Cat Sanctuary
and Action
Meet Some Happy Cat Club Kitties!

Cookie came with her sister and her brother, when a tenant faced eviction if she continued to feed them. Her brother, Dagwood, got a home, but the two girls were a little too wild and remain here.

Shady is one of over 120 cats fixed a rural street. I found homes for as many of those cats as I could. Shady, elderly now, has been here for years and has many friends.

Mooki is one of the Spicer Boys, three teens I took in when getting cats fixed who were fed on Spicer outside Albany. His brothers got homes and so did Mooki, but he wailed relentlessly and was returned. Mooki is a senior citizen now.

Forest, upright in photo, hails from The Bone Pile Colony. Over twenty teens and adults were removed to save them from a horrible fate. The colony was so named because dead cats were tossed on a pile that, over time, became a pile of bones. Teddy, laying below Forest, in the photo, came from a homeless camp in Corvallis 52 cats and kittens were fixed, and eventually, most removed to safety. Forest, at over 5 yrs, is the youngest cat here.

Comet is now over 17 years of age, and is among the first group of kittens removed in attempts to "fix Heatherdale", a trailer park in Albany. The suffering was tremendous. Over 200 cats have been fixed at that one trailer park.

Slinko was trapped along with 12 other cats after an Albany apartment complex evicted those who fed the cats and decreed the cats slowly starve. After a year here, during which Slinko was thought to be a wild boy, he came out of the closet as tame! He is shy around those he doesn't know, however, making his adoption improbable. He's safe and happy here!

I found Buffy and her brother, Mops, as teens, so close to starvation they could barely move. I'd already taken over 100 cats from that area to be fixed. Mops died suddenly of a cardiac event last year. He was quite elderly. Buffy is still with me.

Blueberry was one of five siblings living in Lebanon, Oregon in junk unwanted. Blueberry went to a home for two months but was returned.

Button was one of over a dozen kittens I got fixed for an old woman who fed them. Shortly after, she died suddenly and her relatives wanted the cats gone.

Tweetie is Buttons sister and another of the kittens left homeless when their angel of mercy, an older woman, suddenly died. No one else in the family was kind enough to help them.

Sam was abandoned in Millersburg, Oregon along with more than a dozen other cats when his owner just moved and left them all to die. Sam is delightful and well loved. He is an old boy now.