Cat Sanctuary
and Action

We took 5 Sweet Home cats up to be fixed in Portland--a mom and her four teen offspring.

First three days of November, we took 8 cats in two trips to the FCCO. Seven of those rural Lebanon kitties were girls.

Gorgeous Calypso is finally fixed, along with over 2 dozen others from this location.

We took 5 Sweet Home cats up to be fixed in Portland--a mom and her four teen offspring.
The Happy Cat Club
Solving Feline Overpopulation Through Spay Neuter. We get cats fixed, creating healthier communities and less feline suffering in the Linn County area of Oregon.
The Happy Cat Club is about helping cats. That's it. Pretty simple.
We have a few cats here who for various reasons never got homes or were returned way back when we did adoptions before becoming HCC. They are ancient now, and never will get homes. These are wild cats. That's our first priority, taking care of them.
HCC is not a rescue or shelter. We don't take in cats or kittens and we don't adopt out cats or kittens. We get cats fixed. It's become more and more difficult to find affordable high volume spay neuter options or options for tame owned cats not in HCC's care. I'd have thought, over the years, it would have become easier. There are too many cats and that means suffering, death, costs, to the public and to shelters, to the environment and mostly, to the cats. Fixing cats stops the suffering at its source and is extremely cost effective, the most cost effective efficient way to help cats. If you feed them, fix them.
If HCC has the bucks, we support others doing this hard work too, with vet care for cats who need it and cat food. That's if we can.
I will say it again, since during kitten season the majority of calls start out "Can you take these kittens?" HCC is not an adoption group. We sometimes can take in cats, for a night, if a rescue or shelter has agreed to take them, but we don't usually do even that. We're focused on fixing. Somebody needs to be.
That's who we are and what we do. Helping cats makes us happy and creates better communities. Join us.
Onward to Infinity!!!
We're on Facebook!
To see our day to day activity, go to our Happy Cat Club facebook page! Click the Facebook Icon at the top right just below that Donate button to go there.
Please don't forget the Donate button!
We can always use donations. What are they used for? To pay for cat fixes, gas to and from trapping locations and fixing clinics, cat food, flea treatment, wormers and litter, for the permanent fosters and to help those who need it with same, and with vet care.
The 10,000 Cat Fix Project
I'd already taken over 10k cats to be fixed and figured I'd done enough. But I'm not dead yet and decided why not try to get another 10k cats fixed, and so I began the 10,000 cat fix project. Here's the tally:
My Beloved Deaf Miss Daisy--a video in remembrance of her fun loving spirit
Linn County residents can now trap their own stray, feral and barn cats and get them fixed at Oregon Humane Salem Campus's spay neuter clinic. However, due to recent cost increases, all cats done August and beyond will require preauthorization with HCC to receive financial assistance. The cost for TNR cats done at OHSS has dramatically increased, for nonprofits. We previously were not charged for cats we took in. Now that too is $50 per cat. You can message HCC through this website, or on our HCC page to request financial assistance, through HCC for cats fixed through their TNR program. If we have money, we will assist. OHSS's spay neuter clinic is right by their shelter, on Turner road in south Salem.
What services do the cats receive, under OHSS's stray/feral package deal? They get spayed or neutered. They get a right ear tip, which indicates forever to anyone that they have been fixed. They get vaccines, including rabies. And they get flea treated and wormed! Now that's a deal!
Here's how to do it: estimate the number of cats you have who need fixed. Call or go in to OHSS's spay neuter clinic during business hours and make an appointment for that number of cats. If you have received confirmation of financial assistance from HCC, tell them that when you make appointments. Then let HCC know when your appointments are. Clinic number: 503-480-7729. Appointments are highly valued and can be diffiult to get. Call soon. Or email them at clinic.csr@oregonhumane.org.
If you need live traps, you can borrow them there. A deposit is required, such as a check or credit card number, that will be returned once the traps are returned on time and undamaged. Follow their trapping instructions. Bring the cats to the clinic on time, one cat per live trap, on your appointment day, each trap covered with a towel or other covering and lined in paper. Leave them in your vehicle, until you check in. Arrive to pick up the cats at the time given you. It's quite easy. Please share!
This spay neuter assistance has been set up in honor of Vicki Lindley of KATA! R.I.P. Vicki! And thanks to a donation from McLagan Farms.
Fixed so far under this program: 293 cats
Digging Kittens out from Under Shed in Albany
Why Should You Fix Your Kitty?
Here are some reasons!
Lots of people don't fix their cats. Across our nation, shelters euthanize massive numbers of perfectly healthy kittens and cats simply because there are too many born. Shelters in our area are often overwhelmed in unwanted cats and kittens, especially during kitten season. Think about it this way. What if 3 families on just your block didn't fix their female who each then had 5 kittens. This would mean 15 families would need to adopt a kitten, just so the first litters born to 3 females would get homes. Those kittens can then start having their own litters by the time they are 4 or 5 months old. Population growth can be exponential!
Unfixed free roaming cats can get and spread terrible diseases, like Feline Aids (FIV) and Feline Leukemia (Felk). These diseases are spread through fighting and breeding.
Unfixed cats when abandoned don't have birth control access. They breed and then feral colonies start. A feral cat is the offspring of another feral cat or an abandoned house cat. They are born without human contact and grow up wild. Feral cats are exactly the same as your beloved house cat they just don't know human contact. Feral colonies are a direct result of people not fixing a house cat.
These are just a few of the reasons to fix your cat. There's also no easier way to drastically change the future, than to fix even one cat.