Cat Sanctuary
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Helpful Links
Links to Great Spay Neuter Programs
The FCCO are experts at fixing feral cats. Call them up or fill out their online caregiver form. They ask for a donation per cat, but will do it for whatever you can afford, even if its nothing. They offer a trap bank, where you can borrow traps, too, and advice on trapping. Their clinic is in Portland. You check in your cats in the a.m., pick up in the afternoon. Happy Cat Club often helps people, once they get FCCO appointments, with trapping and transport.
OHSS has a great spay neuter clinic. You can get your tame cats fixed there for affordable rates. Appointments are can take time to get. Currently, they charge $50 per TNR (trap, neuter, return) spay, neuter feral package. Happy Cat Club can often offer assistance to help with this fee, but people must first contact HCC. Cats must be in live traps. The OHSS clinic does loan out traps. Be sure to line your traps with a thin layer of newspaper, so the cats are not on just the wire mesh and cover the cats in traps with an old towel because they get scared if exposed.
Salem Friends of Felines has a clinic, where you can get your own tame cats fixed, cheaper if you are on government assistance. SFOF clinic also fixes a limited number of ferals. Currently the cost for a feral cat to be fixed and vaccinated is $90.